"Right Honorable." It's a formal term of respect like "his Honor" and "Your Eminence." This one happens to be a British term of respect for certain persons of rank.
Units who belong also in the s.s.v special unit and are treated as there best troops due to there elite skills and have been chooosen to guard.
The Cabinet members during Arroyo's presidency included Alberto Romulo, Eduardo Ermita, Datu Nasser, and Arthur Yap. In addition, Peter Favilar was the Secretary of Trade and Industry and Margarito Teves was Secretary of Finance.
The Hon Fredrick A. Mitchell
The current Speaker of the House is the Hon. Dr. Kendal Major who took office on the 23rd of May 2012.
The Queen's provincial representatives: Lieutenant GovernorsThere is one Lieutenant Governor for each province, who acts as a representative for Her Majesty the Queen of Canada for that province. The Lieutenant Governor is appointed by the Governor General, on the advice of the prime minister (usually having consulted with the provincial premier). There are ten Lieutenant Governors at the moment:His Honour the Hon. David C. Onley, O.Ont., Lieutenant Governor of OntarioHis Honour the Hon. Pierre Duchesne, Lieutenant Governor of QuébecHis Honour the Hon. Graydon Nicholas, O.N.B., Lieutenant Governor of New BrunswickHer Honour the Hon. Mayann Francis, O.N.S., Lieutenant Governor of Nova ScotiaHis Honour the Hon. Philip S. Lee, C.M., O.M., Lieutenant Governor of ManitobaHis Honour the Hon. Steven Point, O.B.C., Lieutenant Governor of British ColumbiaHis Honour Col. (Ret'd) the Hon. Donald Ethell, O.C., O.M.M., A.O.E., M.C., C.D., Lieutenant Governor of AlbertaHis Honour the Hon. Gordon Barnhart, S.O.M., Lieutenant Governor of SaskatchewanHer Honour the Hon. Barbara Hagerman, O.P.E.I., Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward IslandHis Honour the Hon. John Crosbie, P.C., O.C., O.N.L., Q.C., Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and LabradorMembers of the Senate of CanadaThere are 105 members of the Senate of Canada, each of whom is responsible for the representation of an entire province (senators of Québec, however, are responsible only for a senatorial district, and not Québec as a whole). Senators are appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister. For current senators, please see sources and related links.Members of the House of Commons of CanadaThere are 308 members of the House of Commons, elected to the House using single-member plurality. Each member of the House of Commons represents one electoral district of a province. The Government of Canada must always have the support of the House of Commons, else the Government is expected to resign, or to seek a dissolution of Parliament for a general election. For current members of the House of Commons, see sources and related links.
Australia had 5 different Prime Minister's during WW2.The Rt Hon Sir Robert Gordon Menzies (United Australia, 1939-1941)The Rt Hon Sir Arthur William Fadden (Country, 1941)The Rt Hon John Joseph Curtin (Labor, 1941-1945)The Rt Hon Francis Michael Forde (Labor, 1945)The Rt Hon Joseph Benedict "Ben" Chifley (Labor, 1945-1949)
The Rt. Hon. Hubert A Ingraham is the present Prime Minister of The Bahamas of 2011
rt. hon hubert ingraham
Rt Hon John Strachey
Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwa
Rt Hon Perry Christie
Before 1960, the designation of the Governor was 'The Governor of Bombay'. * From 1960 when the Maharashtra State was formed, the designation of the Governor changed into Governor of Maharashtra. First governor of Maharashtra was Abraham Shipman below is the list {| |- | 1. Abraham Shipman 10. Hon. Sir John Gayer 11. Hon. Sir Nicholas Waite 12. The Hon. William. Aislabie 13. The Hon. Charles Boone 14. The Hon. William Phipps 15. The Hon. Robert Cowan 16. The Hon. John Horne 17. The Hon. Stephen Law 18. The Hon. William Wake 19. The Hon. Richard Bourchier 2. Humphrey Cooke 20. The Hon. Charles Crommelin 21. The Hon. Thomas Hodges 22. The Hon. William Hornby 23. The Hon. Rawson Hart Boddam 24. The Hon. Maj. Genl. Sir William Medows K. B. 25. The Hon. George Dick 25. The Hon. Maj. Genl. Sir Robert Abercromby K. B. 26. J Duncan 27. G. Brown 28. The Rt. Hon Sir E Nepean 29. The Hon. M. Elphinstone 3. The Hon. Sir Gervase Lucas 30. Maj. Gen. Sir J. Malcom 31. Lt. Gen. Sir T.S. Beckwith 32. The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Clare 33. Sir R. Grant 34. Maj. Gen. Sir J. Rivett-Carnac 35. Lt. Gen. Sir G. Arthur 36. Sir G.R. Clerk 37. The Rt. Hon. Viscount Falkland 38. The Rt. Hon. Lord Elphinstone 39. Sir G.R. Clerk 4. Captain H. Grey 40. Sir H.B.E. Frere 41. The Rt. Hon. Sir W.R.S.V. Fitzgerald 42. Sir P. E. Wodehouse 43. Sir R. Temple 44. Sir J. Fergusson 45. Sir Rt. Hon. Lord Reay 46. The Rt. Hon. Lord Harris 47. The Rt. Hon. Lord Sandhurst 48. The Rt. Hon. Lord Northcote of Exeter 49. The Rt. Hon. Lord Lamington 5. Sir George Oxenden 50. B. T. Colonel, Sir G.S. Clarke 51. The Rt. Hon. Lord Willingdon of Ratton 52. Sir G. A. Lloyd 53. The Rt. Hon. Sir Leslie Orme Wilson 54. Maj. Gen. The Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Stykes 55. The Rt. Hon. Lord Brabourne 56. Sir Roger Lumley 57. The Rt. Hon. Sir John Colville 58. Raja Maharaj Singh 59. Sir Girija Shankar Bajpai 6. The Hon. Gerald Aungier 60. Dr. Hare Krishna Mahtab 61. Shri Sri Prakasa 62. Dr. P. Subbarayan 63. Shrimati Vijayalakshmi Pandit 64. Dr. P.V. Cherian 65. Shri Ali Yavar Jung 66. Shri Sadiq Ali 67. Air Chief Marshal O.P.Mehra 68. Air Chief Marshal I. H. Latif 69. Shri Kona Prabhakar Rao 7. The Hon. Thomas Rolt 70. Dr. Shanker Dayal Sharma 71. Shri K. Brahmananda Reddy 72. Shri C. Subramaniam 73. Dr.P. C. Alexander 74. Shri Mohammed Fazal 75. Shri S. M. Krishna 8. Sir John Child Bart 9. The Hon. Bartholemew Harris |}
The Rt Hon Arthur Neville Chamberlain.
The current Governor General is the Rt. Hon. David Johnston.
The Rt Hon William Pitt (the Younger).
In the UK government the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families is Ed Balls.In Scotland the the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning is Fiona Hyslop.
The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.