After statehood means after the certain state got granted it's statehood and getting it's statehood means being granted the official privilege of being a state in the United states... srry 4 the long answer... hope it help somewhat!!! =D
21 August 1959 10:04 am Hawaii time.
Massachusetts was sixth to receive statehood on, Wednesday, February 6, 1788.Source: WikipediaMassachusetts was sixth to receive statehood on, Wednesday, February 6, 1788.Source: WikipediaMassachusetts was sixth to receive statehood on, Wednesday, February 6, 1788.Source: WikipediaMassachusetts was sixth to receive statehood on, Wednesday, February 6, 1788.Source: WikipediaMassachusetts was sixth to receive statehood on, Wednesday, February 6, 1788.Source: WikipediaMassachusetts was sixth to receive statehood on, Wednesday, February 6, 1788.Source: Wikipedia
New York applied for statehood on July 26, 1788. Before it was a state it was known as the Province of New York.
Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution empowers the U.S. Congress to grant statehood. Congress is given the authority to determine the conditions for statehood except that new states cannot be created by merging or splitting existing states without the approval of both the U.S. Congress and the states' legislatures. Generally, a territory holds an election to determine the people's desire for statehood. If a majority desire statehood, then the territory proposes an enabling act to the US Congress for calling a constitutional convention. Congress then votes on the enabling act which lays out the the requirements that must be met as a prerequisite to statehood. The enabling act usually requires the prospective state to adopt a form of government and constitution that are in compliance with the U.S. Constitution. Once a constitutional convention has been held, and the requirements of the enabling act fulfilled, the territory then presents a resolution to the US Congress calling for statehood. Once both the House and Senate pass the resolution, it is sent to the US President for his signature. Once the President signs the joint resolution the territory is acknowledged as a U.S. state.
the northwest ordinance
Generally speaking yes it does.
If you mean admission to statehood , then it would be April 30,1812
No, they are US Citizens.
the statehood of Nebraskan is march 1,1867
Wyoming officially gained statehood when President Harrison signed the Statehood Bill on July 10, 1890.
Which party fought for Jharkhand's statehood
Connecticut's date of statehood is Jan.9,1788
connecticuts statehood was one of the 13 colonies
it was the 4th state to gain statehood.
Wyoming officially gained statehood when President Harrison signed the Statehood Bill on July 10, 1890.
West Virginia was granted statehood 1863.
florida`s statehood is march 3,1845