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It is the study of what it means to be a citizen

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Q: What does civics have to do with being a good citizen?
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What is civics class?

Civics is the study of the rights and responsibilities of being a citizen. It is a social science, specifically an area of political science, and is often called "Civics and Citizenship". It deals with both the theory and the practice of the duties of citizenship.

What is civics the study of?

Civics is the study of citizenship and government. By that, I mean that civics is the studies of your rights, responsibilities and duties as a citizen. -A

What is the significance of studying Civics?

Civics is the study of citizenship and government.

What does good citizenship in community mean?

what it means to be a good citizen for the us is that you know civics and you are proud of our flag and that you help other people

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What Good Citizenship Value of Order?

if your a good citizen the cops appreciate you being a good citizen

Is civics still being taught in your schools?

It is only important if you want to vote and help your region have better rulers, follow rules, and if you want to know what it means to be a good citizen of your region. Is it important to get a job as an actor: NO Is it important to get a job as a president: ABSOLUTELY

What are the consequences of not being a good citizen of London?

the consequesces of not being a good citizen are as follws. they become gang infested and shoot manz up

What is the Latin root of civics?

The Latin root of "civics" is "civis," which means "citizen" or "member of a community." It is the basis for the study of the rights and duties of citizens in a society.

How does being a good citizen as an individual help the people of the US as a whole?

You can help protect and keep the US a safe place for everyone. Being a good citizen makes you a good person and you can influence other people around you to be a good citizen also

What is the difference between Political Science and Civics as a course of study?

Civics is a part of political science. The scope of political science is more wider than civics. Civics is the study of citizenship and Political science is the study of states. These two disciplines are closely interconnected. In some countries, Civics is taught as an initials of Political science but in higher stage there is no need to study civics. State without citizen is impossible. so, Civics is the primary or initial study of Political science.

What are some words that describe civics and begin with the letter C?

Citizen, Complain, Community , Constitution , Crime