The power to wage war.
It's a term similar to other large wars like World War II. It's when a country puts forth every effort it has to wage war on another axis or world power.
After the war, woman found it difficult to continue working. Many women who continued to work after the war received wage cuts and demotions. The war allowed women to make decisions, and it gave them a chance to fight for their rights. And there is no doubt that the consequences of the war (the discrimination, job cuts, and wage inequalities) led to the development of many of the civil rights movements of the 1950's.
1: What war are you referring to? World war 1? World war 2? ... The fall of the Roman Empire? There have been countless wars throughout history. You need to be more specific. 2: We have war because we are human. 3: Human beings will probably always have reasons to wage war. 4: No.
Jamming communications, freezing bank accounts, anything non-lethal that hurts the enemy's ability to wage war
gero means to wear however bellum gero means to wage war
Chimps wage war to conquer new territory.
yes like my wage is..... The company pays a fair wage. He wants to wage war on the enemy.
to wage war against enemies
Do you think Satan's minimum wage is somehow amusing? What wage will you make? Who will we wage war with next?
Wage Entitlement is when you get entitled to get a raise on you wage. A wage is when you get money or getting money on pay day.
Sherman was the first to wage war on both civilians & military aspects of the nation Sherman was the first to wage war on both civilians & military aspects of the nation Sherman was the first to wage war on both civilians & military aspects of the nation
it is par day wage
wage isn't a French word.
No, he is an actor.
Nation states.