1: What war are you referring to? World War 1? World War 2? ... The fall of the Roman Empire? There have been countless wars throughout history. You need to be more specific. 2: We have war because we are human. 3: Human beings will probably always have reasons to wage war. 4: No.
The creek war started in 1813 and ended in 1814.
The revolutionary war started in 1775 and ended in 1782.
The Arms Race ended with the end of the cold war and the breakup of the USSR. The nuclear arms race came about during the Cold War.
The American Revolution War and the Civil War both ended in Virginia. The first war ended at Yorktown and the second ended at Appomattox Courthouse, VA.
It started 1775 and ended 1781 but it wasn't officially over until the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783. The Revolutionary War started April 19, 1775 and ended September 3, 1783
The irony is the war didn't end all wars and the peace treaty that ended the War to End all Wars was a contributing cause of the Second World War.
ww2 ended in 1940. England ended the war.
The war ended in a stalemate.
war ended in a stalemate
The war ended in a stalemate.
war ended in a stalemate
What war are you talking about? World War I ended near the end of 1918.
When the war ended, the need to protest it ended.
The Civil War ended in 1865.
The North won the war, that ended it.
The War Illustrated ended in 1947.
A War Diary ended in 2001.