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Q: What does less than or equal to mean?
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What does an underline less than sign mean?

less than or equal to

What does no less than mean in math?

More than or equal to.

Less than or equal to sign?

< this means less than > this means more than If you are writing them, putting an underline underneath them will mean XX or equal to. However in typed font you can also use <= for less than or equal to, and >= for greater than or equal to.

Is two kilometers greater than less than or equal to 2 m?

It depends what you mean by m. If you mean metres, then it is greater than it. If you mean miles, then it is less than it.

What is the comparison operator used for not equal to in Excel?

You can use the Not function or the <> operator, which is the < and the > beside each other. To see if the values in A1 and A2 are not equal to each other, you can type: =A1<>A2 or =Not(A1=A2) In each case they will either give you TRUE if they are not equal or FALSE if they are equal, in the cell that you enter the formula into.

What do the words no more than mean in math?

It means less than or equal to.

What does the line under a greater or less sign mean?

The less-than sign alone means "less than"; if there is a line below, it means "less than or equal".

What does the less than or equal to symbol mean?

It means that the number or expression on the left of the symbol is less that the value or expression to the right, or that they are equal.

What does is at most mean in math?

"Is at most" is the same as "less than or equal to".

What is the opposite of less than equal sign?

The opposite of less than or equal to is greater than or equal.And also:The opposite of greater than or equal to is less than or equal.

What are the types of proportion?

Less than Less than or equal to Equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to

What does an equals sign with a wedge over it mean?

It means equal to or (whatever the wedge means.) ≤ means "Equal to or less than." ≥ means "equal to or greater than."