It is, I believe, Scottish slang. Maybe derrogotory, not sure, but it is possibly less than polite: A Leftfooter is a Roman Catholic.
It is the term for an American soldier
a president that is in ofice
Unfortunately, it is unclear what the term "free six" means. Searching it up yields no results so that is not very helpful. There is not even the slightest clue online of what it means and it is not exactly a common term.
"Right Honorable." It's a formal term of respect like "his Honor" and "Your Eminence." This one happens to be a British term of respect for certain persons of rank.
It's a voting term. It simply means that every person has voted for the motion.
The mathematical term for "mean" is "mean".The popular, or colloquial term for "mean" is "average".
what term information mean
what does the term company mean in insurance
What do you mean by term Healthy society
the term GB what does it mean the term MB what does it mean the term MHz what does it mean the term KB what does it mean the term bytes what does it mean ? i see the terms on my computer and i would like the defnition of each one.
what does the term putting together mean
the term manner means to have a mean manner.
a boating term
what does the term change of state mean
It is presumed to mean, "Tanker Take Over." Though there is no such term.
No, the math term ratio doesn't mean multiply.
what does the term "other hearing" mean in the court of law