Lillian is a mixture between Lilly and Ann.
Lilly means symbolic of innocence,purity, and beauty.when i looked it up Lilian spelled with one l means the same as Lilly.
In Hawaii, the name Lillian does not have a specific meaning. It is a popular name that is used similar to how it is used in other English-speaking regions.
Lillian LaSalle's birth name is Lillian Heifetz.
Lillian Roth's birth name is Rutstein, Lillian.
Lillian Knight's birth name is Unold, Lillian.
Lillian Gallo's birth name is Lillian Drazek.
Lillian Culver's birth name is Roberts, Lillian.
Lillian Coogan's birth name is Lillian Dolliver.
Lillian Worth's birth name is Lillian Murphy.
Lillian Miles's birth name is Bradley, Lillian.
Lillian Garrett's birth name is Lillian Groag.
Lillian Goodman's birth name is Lillian Rosedale.
Lillian Hoban's birth name is Lillian Aberman.