The judicial branch of government is the federal courts, mainly the Supreme Court. The courts interpret the laws that the legislative branch passes.
I will go ahead and answer the three national branches of gov. in America Legislative-makes laws( Senate and the House of representatives) Judicial-judges the laws to see if they're constitutional(supreme court(mainly)) Executive-enforces or carries out the laws(Mainly president)
The three branches of government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches. The Legislative Branch's basic function is to make laws for the common good of the People. The basic function of the Legislative Branch is to enforce those laws. The Judicial Branch's basic function is to judge whether laws are unconstitutional, if not found Constitutional, they are not passed.
The Judicial Branch doesn't have branches, it has courts:US District Courts (trial courts)US Court of International Trade (trial court)US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts (appellate courts)Supreme Court of the United States (final appellate court)
The executive, judicial, and legislative branches make up our government.
The Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Madison is an Informal Amendment. For example, It made it so the Judaical Branch of the Government gained the Power of Review. This is informal because the actual Constitution did not change only the way we perceived Article III section 2 and the Judiciary Act of 1789.
executive branch
The Judaical branch
It is the executive branch.
The Judaical branch
Judaical branch
Judaical branch
The Judaical branch
The Supreme Court.
The legislative branch, executive branch, and Judaical branch.
Legislative Branch It is not Judaical Branch they just interprets the law.
Executive, Legislative, Judaical, look into the POWERS of each branch! have a nice day!