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people have equal rights

People have natural rights

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Q: What does the declaration of independence state that the ideas of your government should be based on?
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What did Thomas Jefferson say the government should be based on in the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson stated the government should be based on protecting the rights of people's freedom. The Declaration of Independence was based on the rights of people.

The declaration of Independence is based upon which English philisopher?

John Locke! He believed that the government should serve the people. So, it is based off of his ideas.

Do people have the right to seize control of the government based on the Declaration of Independence?


On what historical document was the declaration of Sentiments based?

The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.

What declaration was based on the Declaration of Independence?

The core idea of the Declaration was written by John Locke and it was that man had natural rights given by God and that men form governments to protect these rights. When a government no longer serves to protect the rights or protect man that they have the right to change the government. Jefferson, then lists, the charges against the King as to why he hasn't proected the rights given by God. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was based on the Declaration of Independence in the United States.

Who was the Enlightenment thinker that the Declaration of Independence firmly based on?

The Declaration of Independence was mainly based on the views of John Locke.

Which document is based directly on john Locke's ideas?

In both Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

According to the Declaration of Independence where does the government get its power?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In other words its power comes from its people.The government get their power from the people.The government gets its power from the people, you and me!! The American citizens.

The concepts in the Declaration of Independence are based on?


What was the Declaration of Independence based on?

The Virginia Declaration of rights written by George Mason

What was the Declaration of Independence based?

Thomas Jefferson based much of the Declaration of Independence on the idea that all men have rights. These included â??Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment?

The American Revolution was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment, such as individual liberty, natural rights, and the role of government to protect these rights. The revolution aimed to establish a government based on these principles, as reflected in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.