* The 'L' is for his first name Lyndon, * The 'B'is for his middle name Baines, and * The 'J' is for his last name Johnson.
That would be HHH which stand for Hubert Horatio Humphery, President LBJ's Vice President.
President Takes a Stand Against Tax Evasion. (Was the right on Apex) April/10/2021
It's not a mint mark. The initials FG stand for Frank Gasparro, who designed the reverse of the coin. Gilroy Roberts designed the obverse.
The 'H' in Hubert H. Humphrey stood for Horatio.
Those are the initials of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
its Baines
L B Johnson did not stand for re election in 1968.
He didn't "make" her, he asked her in all politeness. He wanted to show, symbolically, that even in tragedy, the transition of power in America was smooth and immediate.
what does ARAM stand for
He said "I'm sure this country shall live forever, it shall not stand down. BURGERS!
What do the initials n.u.t
what do the initials TAB stand for in the TAB injection
The country initials "ZIM" stand for Zimbabwe.
HP Lovecraft's initials stand for Howard Phillips.
Andrew Johnson had no vice president. Andrew Johnson as Vice President succeeded President Lincoln in 1865. President Johnson did not have a Vice President for the rest of the term (1865-1869). Until the passage of the 25th amendment to the US Constitution, presidents who took office when the president died served the rest of the unexpired term of the deceased president without a vice-president. Johnson assumed office upon the assassination of President Lincoln. He was unsuccessful in his attempt to get the nomination of his party (the Democratic Party) to stand for election in 1868 so he was never a candidate for president in the general election and never had a chance to have a vice president. There was no provision in the Constitution for replacing a vice president, so Johnson served the rest of Abraham Lincoln's second term without one. The procedure for choosing a new vice president wasn't established until the 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967.
The initials PBR can stand for many things. One thing that they stand for is pro bull riding.