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"Bread and circuses" refers to the pacification of a populace by food and entertainment, which is related to the term "fat and happy".

As coined by the Roman poet Juvenal (c. 100-200 AD) in his Satires, panem et circenses was an apparent policy in the Roman Empire. The rulers believed that if the people were entertained and their bellies full, they would not get restless or try to overthrow the government. So they tried to make sure that there was always entertainment, notably in the Colosseum, and that there was always bread available to be purchased. In this way, the Roman masses were distracted from the problems of the Empire.

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"Chariot and Gladiator games that provided entertainment for the poor Romans"

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This was a huge celebration started by Romans when the government would put on a huge free spectical for the people and give them free food, a celebration..

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Q: What does the phrase bread and circuses mean?
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What is the bread and circuses policy?

"Bread and circuses" refers to the pacification of a populace by food and entertainment, which is related to the term "fat and happy".As referred to by Roman poet Juvenal (c. 100-200 AD)in his Satires, panem et circenses was an apparent policy in the Roman Empire. The rulers believed that if the people were entertained and their bellies full, they would not get restless or try to overthrow the government. So they tried to make sure that there was always entertainment, notably in the Colosseum, and that there was always bread available to be purchased. In this way, the Roman masses were distracted from the problems of the Empire.

The traditional objection to democratic government is the risk of?

Traditional democracies die when the people discover that they can vote to give themselves "bread and circuses". When the populace decide to vote that the government give them money, the civilization is doomed. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." - Thomas Jefferson

Who was the lady with the lamp and what does it mean?

The phrase refers to Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of nursing. Read about her at the link below.

What does golf foxtrot Yankee mean?

go f@#k yourself. the phrase means go f@#k yourself lmao

Does the phrase strict construction mean interpreting the constitution exactly as it is stated?

Close. It means applying the law (not just the constitution) exactly as written.

Related questions

What does the phrase bread and circuses referred to?

neymar r mssi

What is the Latin translation for the phrase bread and circuses?

Panem et Circenses

The rest of the famous phrase'bread and ...'?

The rest of the famous phrase is 'Bread and Circuses'

What is the latin phrase for panem?

The Latin "panem et circenses" literally means "bread and circuses".

The roman masses were distracted from serious political issues by what?

Bread and Circuses. (Free handouts and entertainment). Recently, television has been called the "new bread and circuses."

During Roman civilization the phrase brean and circuses helped to creart?

The phrase bread and circuses did not create anything. It reflected the attitude of the Roman elite towards the poor. They thought that they had to be fed and entertained to keep them happy and to prevent riots. Bread referred to the free grain dole the state distributed to the poor. Circuses referred to the circus, which was the chariot racing track. The rich elites liked to spend a lot of money on lavish gladiatorial games and chariot races, which were very popular. This made them popular.

What are the Latin references made in The Hunger Games series?

Well, in Mockingjay, they refer to the term "Panem de Circuses" which means bread and circuses, or- in more modern tongue- food and entertainment. Is that what you mean?

What is bread and circuses in latin?

Panem et circenses.

Who said Give them bread and circuses?

The actual phrase is 'Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt'Coined by the Roman poet Juvenal in the first Century in his Satires lamenting the continuing slide of his former Roman Republic into dictatorship.The term refers to entertainment or offerings intended to foil discontent or distract attention from a situation. In ancient Rome, bread and circuses were used to keep the underprivileged poor people quiet.

When the poet jurenal said their's only two thing that concern them bread and circuses he was talking about?

Juvenal was criticizing the Roman society's obsession with superficial entertainment and material comfort, represented by "bread and circuses." This phrase highlights how the ruling class used cheap food and spectacles in the Colosseum to distract and pacify the population, turning them away from more meaningful pursuits and critical thinking.

Where does the word 'Panem' come from in The Hunger Games books?

Panem is the name of the continent where The Hunger Games stories are set.The word "Panem" itself comes from an old Roman phrase, "panem et circenses". Which in English means "bread and circuses".

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Hell on Wheels - 2011 Bread and Circuses 1-5 was released on: USA: 4 December 2011