A program that appears to be legitimate but is designed to have destructive effects, as to data residing in the computer onto which the program was loaded.
you are sicko retard
possessions, means, or wealth
The Aeneid tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans.
what the quote is saying is that although they created a republic it is up to the people to keep it intact.
it is a court saying you have to under stand court laws and stuff to under stand it .
By saying that the Trojan horse was an offering to the gods
The Greeks were the people inside the Trojan Horse. The people of Troy thought it was a wonderful gift. This is were the old saying 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth' came from.
yes there was a Trojan Horse.
A Trojan Horse.
The Trojan horse was pulled into Troy, hence 'Trojan'.
There aren't types of Trojan Horse virus. A Trojan Horse is a type of virus.
The Trojan Horse
Possibly you mean the 'Trojan Horse', which was a huge wooden model of a horse in which the Greeks concealed soldiers in order to capture Troy. So, since the Trojan Horse was only a model, it wasn't alive, thus couldn't die.
The Trojan Horse was a very successful distraction to allow the Greeks to infiltrate the town of Troy. The Trojan Horse was used during the Trojan war.
No city was named after the Trojan horse.
The Trojan horse was made out of wood.
The Trojan Horse is a historical fiction novel.