Louisiana was named for King Louis XIV of France. French explorer Sieur de La Salle claimed the valley of the Mississippi for France in 1682, calling it La Louisiane ("Land of Louis").
Louisiana's official name is Louisiana, there is no other name that it has. The state was named after King Louis XIV which at this time they called La Louisiane which meant Land of Louis.
Louisiana on Thursday, April 30, 1812
Louisiana has 46 total delegates as of 2014. The total number of delegates each state has varies from state to state.
There is no name for the state flag.
There is no name for the state flag.
The Green Tree Frog is the representative amphibian for the state of Louisiana.
The state of Louisiana was named after King Louis XIV of France. The name Louis comes from the Frankish hluda meaning "heard of, famous."
the sunshine state
The state abbreviation "LA" stands for Louisiana. Louisiana is a state located in the southern United States, known for its unique culture, food, and music.
blue is tuth
Louisiana State University