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A / xenophobe an unreasonable fear of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange is someone who is has a fear of foreigners or strangers

you can also say xenophopeia

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it means that you have a fear of strangers or foreign people.

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Q: What does the term xenophobic mean?
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What does exnophobic mean?

"Exnophobic" is not a recognized term in English. It might be a misspelling or a typing error of the word "xenophobic," which refers to a fear or hatred of foreigners or people from different cultures.

What does xenophilic mean?

Someone who loves foreigners. The opposite of xenophobic - someone who hates, or is fearful of foreigners.

What does xenophobocally mean?

The word xenophobic is the definition of some one who has a phobia of stranger, foreigners, etc.

How do you use the word xenophobic in a sentence?

Xenophobic means fear of strangers, so you could say: I was xenophobic so I was scared in the dark alley. or something like that

What is a sentence for the word xenophobic?

The people in the village were xenophobic after years of being tricked by foreigners. Xenophobic laws led to the expulsion of Gypsy immigrants from many countries.

What is a noun that starts with the letter x and the adjective is xenophobic?

A noun referring to "one who is xenophobic" is a xenophobe.

What is an emotion that starts with x?

xenophobiaxenophobia xenophobiaxenophobic - abnormal fear of foreign things, especially strangers

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What is the opposite of xenophobic?

The opposite of xenophobic is xenophilic, meaning having a love or admiration for people and cultures that are different from one's own.

Are Russians generally xenophobic?

No, of course.

If you dislike a country what are you?

You are Xenophobic, or a Xenophobe.

Use xenophobic in a sentence?

Some people hold xenophobic views and believe that those from other countries are a threat to their way of life.