It is not! It a document that was created over 200 years a go by the founding fathers, that was the guide to the laws in this land
If you mean the Father of the Constitution, James Madison
Before the United States Constitution, the Articles of Confederation were used to govern the United States. Their greatest weakness is that, under them, the Federal Government had no power. It could make laws and decisions, but it had no way to ensure that they were enforced.
The preamble to the United States Constitution was created in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania towards the end of the Constitutional Convention, so probably late August or early September, 1787. It was added by the Committee of Style and Arrangement. Gouverneur Morris is credited as the chief draftsman of the final document, including the preamble.
The Constitution is a document, not an event. If you mean what city was the Constitutional CONVENTION held, then the answer is Philadelphia, PA. If you mean what city currently holds the Constitution (like in a museum), then it on display in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Please try and be more clear with your questions, only so that we can give you a correct answer :) ~Karen~
I think you mean Framers of the Constitution.
The Constitution of the United States is a document written on paper and drafted by some of the greatest men of the age. It's not only "ink on paper", it's everything that the words say and mean. When people disagree with the actual text and the original meaning of the words, they can change it in two different ways. They might draft an amendment to the Constitution, which is hard and takes a while. Or, they can try to claim that the words don't actually mean what they SAY, but mean something entirely different - something, perhaps, that the Founders would never have agreed with and that 3/4 of the states wouldn't agree with either. The meaning, then, can be anything - or nothing. In one real sense, the Constitution can be considered to be a "living" document. Just as your body can be distorted and crippled by cancers, the "living Constitution" idea is a cancer on society itself. The bottom line is that the Constitution either means what it says, the ink on the paper, or it means nothing at all.
Living document means that it is a famous document that we still use today (ex. The Declaration of Independence).
To ratify a document, it is to accept it. By: a 5th grader
Yes, if you mean republican with the little "R". The USA is a republic, not a democracy.
Depends on what you mean by a "true constitution". The British don't have a codified, written document that they identify as their constitution. It consists of a number of different laws and precedents relied upon by Parliament.
The Indian Constitution is called a "living document" because it is dynamic and adaptable. It can be amended to reflect the changing needs and values of society. It is designed to evolve with the times and remain relevant for successive generations.
our society & system of law is based on a document wriiten by the founders of our nation, the U.S. constitution...this document outlines certain rights granted to us by the law..if something is unconstitutional, it means it goes against the constitution & violates our civil rights..
Narrowly, "document" refers to a file containing text; more broadly, it can mean a spreadsheet or other file with material that can be read.
A constitution is a written document that expresses all the laws of a nation or country. it is important to society because we can use it to find out what is ans isn't legal in your area.
If you mean the Father of the Constitution, James Madison
What do you mean by "This way?" Are you referring to the process that was used or to how they structured the document? And If you mean the process, do you mean why did the constitutional convention work according to the rules it did or do you mean whay was the convention held? If you mean why was the constitution structured the way it was, what specifically do you want to know? Michael Montagne
There is no such thing a living document is by def. the law as written and not one you can interpret any way you please. The Constution is not a living document. It was not written to mean whatever a Liberal wants it to. It is a conclusion on to itself. For Democrats to understand put it like this: What you see is what you get. Nothing else.