He has a lot of money. Or alternatively, God's poor.
"period" means time frame so yes.
time long past
China is state capitalist, not Communist (which would mean no money or classes or government).
If the federal government wasn't in charge it would be a mess. That would mean there would 50 different kinds money and no rules on banks. It falls to the federal government to make sure the money is good for the United States and overseas.
money kept for emergency time.
The "Time is money" saying just means that you should not waste time doing something else and try and make money. Now depending on how you mean it, money can be time. Sure, you cannot use money to add time to your own life, but you can use money to hire others to do things you don't have time to do, or the things you don't enjoy doing.
It means to do something to stall for time, as if you were purchasing it with money.
when you think you are ready to handle it - what I mean by this is do you have the money, the time and the fitness to look after it.
Time and money are fungible. If you are short of time, you can spend money to have others do time-consuming chores for you. If you are short of money, you can spend your time doing time-consuming chores for others in exchange for money. One rarely hears of a woman crying over the fact that her husband's long hours on the job provided enough money to pay for a heart transplant for her child.
Money you spend from time to time. For example: fixing the roof on your house.
It means that you should spend your time like you spend your money and if you us it fast you will die fast and if you spend it wisely.
cut corners
More money can be useful for dating and gifts, but rich people spends less time with their family. A little time can help well, but a lot of money can bring it down a notch. What I mean is that a little time and money is good, but too much money makes the marriage independent.
it mean to live on the money you have set for that time period and so on
poor takes time to save money but Rich spends money to save time
commission is the money paid to a salesman each time a sale is made.