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Q: What effect did the Age of Reason and the American Revolution have on the French?
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How did the American Revolution affect people in modern day culture?

The American Revolution has a definite effect on people in modern day culture. Specifically, the United States might not exist today if not for the Revolution. Furthermore, the American Revolution was what inspired the French to revolt. If the American Revolution hadn't happened, there would be repercussions worldwide today.

How did the storming of the Bastille effect the French Revolution?

The French revolution sent shock waves through the European monarchy. It left them all wondering who would be the next to be depose in a revolution. Many people around the world were affected by the french revolution not just England. It changed the way that people thought about being run by a monarchy or a royal family. People started to realise that this was not the way that many countries should have been run and wanted a change. The main reason Australia is a democracy today was because of the french revolution and fight against the monarchy.

American Revolution effect on other countries?

um... If you mean "what effects did the American Revolution have on other nations", then the answer would be What effect DIDN'T the American Revolution have on other nations? England lost one of their greatest colonies, the French colonists gained enough courage and allies to have their own Revolution, America was born, allowing everything America has done to come to pass. It allowed the Civil War to happen, it greatly changed the outcome of WWI and WWII, and allowed us to explore the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, allowing us to form a Manifest Destiny, it allowed Canada and Mexico to become their own independent nations... I could go on, but I don't think I have to... This question was utterly pointless.

Who controlled the slaves during the American Revolution?

Masters controlled the slaves during the American Revolution. Mostly the war was fought in the north then in the south. So the war didn't effect their living really.

What effect did John Adams and the major domestic issues of his administrations have on the political direction of the country?

John Adams was a lawyer who was appointed for the defense shortly after the Boston Massacre, He later turned to defending the Colonists and travelled to France to gain the French alliance during the American Revolution against Britain. He later became the second president of the US.

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How did the French Revolution affect the Indians?

Did you mean the French and Indian War? The French Revolution had no effect on American Indians

Was the French Revolution an effect of the Industrial Revolution?

No. The French Revolution was not an effect of the industrial revolution. The French revolution occurred due to the anger of the masses against the despotic rule of the monarchs in France.

What is the most significant effect of the European enlightenment period?

it provided the intellectual spark for the american and french revolution

What effect did American revolution have on France?

French thought that they could be able to do it if America did, but they got their asses handed to them.

What effect did the American revolution have on France?

French thought that they could be able to do it if America did, but they got their asses handed to them.

What are the direct and indirect effects the American Revolution had on the French Revolution?

The direct effect was that France was washed away and the indirect effect was that England had a war with France an as a result,France was washed away.

What was the effect of the American Revolution on slavery?

The American Revolution did not effect slavery. It was the Civil War that had the biggest effect on slavery in the US.

What effect did the Battle of Saratoga have on the Revolution?

The American victory in the second Battle of Saratoga convinced the French to get involved and to support the Americans, which greatly helped the cause of the American Revolution. The American War of Independence was fought from 1775 to 1783.

How did the French Revolution effect the American politics?

It was a divisive issue with Jefferson urging US aid to the French and Washington insisting on strict neutrality.

How did the American Revolution affect people in modern day culture?

The American Revolution has a definite effect on people in modern day culture. Specifically, the United States might not exist today if not for the Revolution. Furthermore, the American Revolution was what inspired the French to revolt. If the American Revolution hadn't happened, there would be repercussions worldwide today.

How did geography effect the French Revolution?


How did the enlightenment effect the American and French revolution?

well i'm glad you ask i'm french so i know everything about that it was effected by the british lied to the french and made the french got mad with the americans