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structure and role of the executive branch

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Been The Boy

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago

the structure and role of the judicial branch (apex)

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βˆ™ 3y ago
wrong, it is executive.
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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 3y ago
its right I've just checked!!
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mackayla gaston

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βˆ™ 2y ago
no it’s judicial

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βˆ™ 3y ago

The structure of the executive branch

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Chris Wags

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βˆ™ 3y ago

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Q: What element of the federal government is established by Article II of the Constitution?
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What element of the federal government is established by Article I of the Constitution?

the structure and role of the legislative branch

What statement accurately describes a difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

The US Constitution established rules for the US government, well the Declaration of Independence did not

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A state typically refers to a political organization with a government that exercises authority over a defined territory and population. Without a government to administer laws, provide services, and regulate society, it is challenging to have an effective state. However, some political theories suggest the concept of a stateless society, where governance is decentralized or non-existent.

How did the adoption of the constitution change of provision for the nations?

When the US Constitution was ratified, one key element given to the Federal government was the power to conduct wars. This eliminated any state laws that called for states to raise and retain their own armies.

What are facts about an element?

The linked article provides many facts about a typical well studied element, oxygen.

What does the Constitution do for citizens of the United States?

A constitution is a plan that provides the rules for a government. Thus, the people living under that plan know how the government is organized, the powers and duties of the government, and the rights and responsibilities of the citizens. The Constitution of the United States establishes recognized limits on the powers of the national government. This is known as limited government. Our Constitution also establishes a representative government. That means that the citizens have the right to elect members to the national government who will handle the day to day affairs of the government. But, those representatives are always responsible to the citizens. The power of the government is shared by the state and federal governments. This is known as federalism. Also, the Constitution establishes three branches of government to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This is called the separation of powers. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution once it was ratified. These first ten amendments to the US Constitution contain a list of individual rights and liberties which the government cannot take away from the citizens. MrV There is also an element of our Constitution that was radically different at the time of its establishment. All authority to create, enact and amend our Constitution belongs to the People. A very fundamental reason that no government under the Constitution can take anything from the people that they don't freely cede is that the people alone have authority over the Constitution... Not Congress, not the President, and not the Supreme Court.

In what ways is the Iroquois constitution different to the US Constitution?

Compare & Contrast:Iroquois Constitution & U.S. Constitution

What element of the Constitution affirms state sovereignty?

the Tenth Amendment

Chemists at the University of Chicago isolated and measured this element for the first time. What element is it?

The element is plutonium. Particulars can be found in the Wikipedia article on plutonium. A link is provided.

Is there any element that does not get classified as a metal nonmetal or metalloid?

Ununquadium is not established

The heaviest element found in nature is?

I believe it is Uranium. All elements heavier than uranium are man-made. Here's an interesting article...