The Enlightenment
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Enlightenment philosopher, Montesquieu introduced a system of checks and balances to keep government free of tyranny. He is also responsible for the concept of a separation of power, and the three branches of government which are the centerpiece of our country.
Separation of powers
The government would have become a tyranny if there was no separation of powers
The Enlightenment
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The father of the Enlightenment is often considered to be the French philosopher Voltaire. His works, advocating for reason, freedom of thought, and separation of church and state, were instrumental in shaping the ideas of the Enlightenment.
It was John Locke.
Enlightenment philosopher, Montesquieu introduced a system of checks and balances to keep government free of tyranny. He is also responsible for the concept of a separation of power, and the three branches of government which are the centerpiece of our country.
separation of powers
It was Charles Louis the Secondat Montesquieu.
It was Charles Louis the Secondat Montesquieu.
It was Charles Louis the Secondat Montesquieu.
One person who exemplified the Enlightenment period is Voltaire. He was a French writer, philosopher, and advocate for freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and separation of church and state. Voltaire's emphasis on reason, skepticism, and individual rights embodies the values of the Enlightenment era.
Montesquieu's most lasting contribution to government was the idea of separation of powers. Montesquieu was a French political philosopher.
Montesquieu was the French political philosopher who admired the English form of government. He believed in the separation of powers and the importance of checks and balances in a political system, which he observed in the English government.