* North Korea seizes US Navy ship Pueblo; holds 83 on board as spies (Jan. 23). * North Vietnamese launch the Tet Offensive, a turning point in the Vietnam War (Jan.-Feb.). * American soldiers massacre 347 civilians at My Lai (March 16). Background: Vietnam War. * Czechoslovakia is invaded by Russians and Warsaw Pact forces to crush liberal regime (Aug. 20).
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There were many important events in 1968 that include North Korea seizing the USS Pueblo because they claim the ship was spying and violated its territorial waters. Robert Kennedy was killed, there were riots in major cities in America, the march in Memphis led by Martin Luther King Jr. turned violent, and Apollo 7 was launched from Florida in 1968.
many people say that the big event will be in 2012, when the world ends... some say the world will end because of a world war III some say there will be a big astriod, and we will only have 30 days to live... I say none of this will happen... the end of the world will be when Jesus comes back for all his believers....(:
The murder of Henry III in 1169.
Pony Express stopped service in the west
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A Miss American pageant was disrupted by four protesting feminists, who hung a women's liberation banner over the balcony.
You haven't given us a time or place for your question. All of history is made of events.
Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered in Memphis on April 4, 1968.
On October 16, 1968, Li Sjao-tji was removed as the President of China.
On March 16, 1968, 450 people died in the My Lai massacre.An event in history that happened today March 16th was in 1881 when the Barnum and Baily Circus debuted.
You use the word prior when speaking to an event, like; prior to an event, it means this happened before a certain event, or before something happened. Say there was a crime, and people were talking about how this happened, and what happened prior to this event.
what astronomical event happened in august 1999
Which part is the 'tragic event'.
Tunguska event happened in 1908.
Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.Out of the above selection the event that happened last was Julius Caesar defeating Pompey.
the event which happened was the industrial revolution.
not in my event list.
a major event is something very big that has happened
Many things happened in 1968. In April MLK was killed, in June Robert Kennedy was killed, the democratic convention had riots, the largest draft for the Vietnam war took place, it was the summer of love, and riots took place in many cities.