That he be allowed to take Caersar's body to the marketplace and make a speeche to the commoners
Both of them, depending on who you ask.
It was Shays' Rebellion that tipped the scales in favor of the convention. The rebellion, which lasted from August of 1786 to June of 1787, was led by Daniel Shays.
in favor of workers' rights
Mark Antony married Cleopatra and later they both commited suicide.
No I am not in favor of separation of church and state
To deliver Caesar's eulogy (funeral speech)
The favor that Antony asks of the conspirators is to speak at Caesar's funeral. They eventually let him, however Brutus gives him guidelines/restrictions that he must agree too or else he will not be allowed to speak at the funeral.
To deliver Caesar's eulogy (funeral speech)
well, because for one Antony is Caesar's friend and for two he wants revenge on the conspirators for killing his best friend. So to get revenge on the conspirators Antony is going to get the crowd to turn against the conspirators and get back at them for murdering Caesar.
The reason mark Antony shakes the conspirators hands is because it's showing the death bond they have just made.
get money gang
they did not kill mark Antony and he acted to get reveng by killing the conspirators.
The conspirators did not attack Antony because of fear. This is from a book called The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act 2.