Cavemen discovered fire and learned how to control it. They used it to cook the animals they hunted this is one of the ways cavemen survived. Cavemen also used fire to keep warm.
Nothing. There were no cavemen. The skulls and bones they find today that they say are cavemen are just humans with mutations. The elephant man was born in the 1800s. His skull was huge and abnormal. If they found his bones they'd probably want to say hes a caveman or the missing link. Amnormal bone structures have been documented today and through history. It doesn't make them cavemen or neanderthals.
Yes they are real, well, they were real. Cavemen died out a long, long time ago. Scientists have been able to uncover fossils and evidence of their existence.
Yes. Cavemen also domesticated animals including sheep, horses, and cattle. Farming got its roots in prehistory.
no, but they say that because fire is a common need in humanity
Um, there was no government. It was survival of the fittest.
they hunted animals to eat
yes they do sometimes
They tried not to be stinky ewie and eat very good food!
Cavemen lived by exploring new things like learning how to make fire so they could eat cooked food. Cavemen found different survival tips and that's how they lived there lives.
cavemen food are anything they hunted for.
Only if they allowed themselves to.
because there was building materials, food and water
Cavemen likely engaged in trade of goods such as tools, food, and clothing. The items exchanged would vary depending on location and resources available to the specific group of cavemen. Trading would enable them to acquire resources that were not available in their immediate surroundings.
For the most part they didn't. They needed to hunt, or gather, food nearly every day.
Howe the heck would i know
Cavemen would have made their homes in places with access to shelter, water and food. If these resources were available in mountain areas there is no reason why they could not have lived there.