2/3 of the house of represantatives is needed to override a presidential veto
the fraction should be 3/4
To override a President's veto Congress needs to have 2/3 or more of the vote.
A 2/3 (67%) majority of yes votes in needed to override a veto.
A majority vote by the House of Representatives is needed to impeach an official. The person is impeached and must then stand trial with the Senate.
2/3 vote from each house is needed to override a veto.
Yes, to override a veto that is needed.
a strawberry milkshake
290 votes minimum are required form the House.67 votes minimum are required form the Senate.287 house...A+LS
It takes 2/3rds of BOTH to override a veto.
It takes 2/3rds of BOTH to override a veto.
Two-thirds of both the Senate and the House of Representatives
when there is cleanup activity needed before an object is destroyed
If 2/3 of the House of Representatives and 2/3 of the Senate agree to the bill, the President has no choice but to sign it into law.
_ 66.6 percent or 2/3