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The Commerce Clause

International conventions

The federal domain

United States Treaties

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Q: What gives the federal government power to regulate actions by use of criminal laws only if the actions involve or affect interstate commerce?
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What powers were not provided for the under the Articles of the Confederation?

The power to tax, to regulate interstate commerce, and to regulate foreign commerce.

How do you use interstate commerce in a sentence?

The federal government has the right to regulate motor carriers because they are involved in interstate commerce.

Does the federal government regulate interstate commerce as to how outsourcing should be conducted?


What power does commerce clause give the national government?

This provision gives the nations government the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Can the federal government regulate activity unter the interstate commerce clause?

Yes the federal government can regulate commerce under the Commerce clause. The Commerce Clause is found in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution.

Who was the federal government ability to build interstate?

implied power, because constitution allows it to regulate interstate commerce - apex

What is a power the federal government has?

Power to make war, coin money, regulate interstate commerce..

What are Laws leading with railroads trucking and air traffic part of the power of Congress to regulate interstate Commerce?

the power to regulate interstate commerce.

What was the FTC established to regulate?

interstate commerce

What activities can Congress regulate under the commerce powers?

First: Congress may regulate the use of the channels of interstate commerceSecond: Congress is empowered to regulate and protect the instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or persons or things in interstate commerce, even though the threat may come only from intrastate activitiesThird: Congress' commerce authority includes the power to regulate those activities having a substantial relation to interstate commerce... i. e., those activities that substantially affect interstate commerce

What gave the government certain powers such as the right to coin money create an army and regulate interstate commerce?

The congress

Can both the federal and state government regulate trade within states?

No. Congress regulates interstate and foreign commerce.