oligarchyOligarchy is the form of government. This is the form that only few people rule.
A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.
vassal or celts
Modern depictions of aristocracy tend to regard it not as a legitimate aristocracy (rule by the best), but rather as a plutocracy (rule by the rich).
An oligarchy is characterized by a small group of people controlling a government. Both Russia and the United States are considered by some to have traits of an oligarchy.
A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.
A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.
When a place (ex: country, organization, or institution) is ruled by a group of people.
a group of nations ruled by a single person or government
small kingdoms
The United Arab Emirates are a small group of countries ruled by hereditary rulers known as Emirs. India is a democracy.
A colony is a group of people settled in a distant land and ruled by the government of th
The name for it is Empire.