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Comapny to sell tea below the price of the smuggled tea.

Boston Tea Party - 1773, Samuel Adams led patriots ships disguised as Indians and raid of British ships dumped the loads of tea in to the Boston Harbor

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Tea Act was when the thirteen colonies stopped paying the British crown high taxes. The abuse of practise was then stopped.

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Where did the tea act happen?

Boston Massachusetts

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Did the Tea Act get passed before the civil war?

the tea act did not get passed during the civil war

Why did the Boston Party happen?

to protest the british tea law/act

Did the Tea Act happen before the Boston Tea Party?

Yes. When the British removed all taxes, except on tea, the colonists showed their appreciation by organizing the "Boston Tea Party".

How did women respond to the Tea Act?

Women during the early years in the United States did not respond well to the Tea Act. They wish it had never happened.

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Who can you use the word tariff in a sentence?

During the Tea Act, colonists were forced to pay a tariff on the tea that they bought.

How would you use tariff in a sentence?

During the Tea Act, colonists were forced to pay a tariff on the tea that they bought.

What were some of the acts and things going on during wmerican revolution?

Some of the acts were the stamp act,sugar act,quarting act,boston tea party,ttownshend acts,boston massacre,and the tea act

What act is before the Tea Act?

The tea act was a tax on all tea in the colonies. It was made to help pay for the French and Indian war.

What was the purpose coercive act?

the purpose was to punish colonist for throwing shiploads of tea into Boston harbor during the Boston tea party.