It wasn't signed until 1789 and not 1787. The reason is that many wouldn't sign without a Bill of Rights and that took a couple of years to add. After it was signed Washington was elected President with John Adams as Vice President. Washington's administration set up in Philadelphia ( today there is a grassy green in Liberty Bell park where his house and offices were located) and he began the work of setting up the new nation. He was smart because he knew what he did would be copied by future Presidents. He was right. There was a lot to do for the new nation. The war ruined the economy and there were debts to pay, the structure of the government had to be set up and various departments created. The politics was very bad between the federalist and anti federalist fractions. Washington didn't believe in political parties so he tried to stay away from the arguments.
in all, 55 delegates attended the Constitutional Convention sessions, but only 39actually signed the Constitution. The delegates ranged in age from Jonathan ...
Delegates wrote the United States Constitution (APEX)
September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelpia.
Thirty nine of the fifty five delegates actually signed the Constitution.
39 delegates signed the US Constitution.
The delegates had signed the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.
About 70 or 70.9 percent of the delegates signed the consitution,39 delegates out of 55 signed.
40 delegates signed, 13 weren't there and didn't sign, and 3 refused to sign.
The delegates signed the new constitution on September 1787
there was 42 delegates
Thirty-nine delegates actually signed the Constitution. There were 55 delegates at the convention, but only 39 people actually showed up and signed.
55 signed the constitution.
The delegates signed the final Constitution on September 17th, 1787.
The delegates at the Constitutional Convention were responsible for drafting the US Constitution. There were 55 delegates but only 39 signed the Constitution.
39 delegates signed the constitution