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In the year 1779, The Battle of Beaufort took place and the Battle of Newtown took place. Also, in 1779, the Penobscot Expedition took place. On the morning of February 25, 1779, Lieutenant Colonel George Rogers Clark, elder brother of explorer William Clark, accepted British Lt. Gov.

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13y ago

Revolutionary War begins..... 2012 happens

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10y ago

In 1770, British troops killed five people at the Boston Massacre. Also, the Townsend Acts were repealed in 1770, and James Cook's expedition landed on Australia's east coast.

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15y ago

When the American revoution is happen [ in which year].

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12y ago

Spain joined the Treaty of Alliance that The French Had made in 1778. They sent various supplies to the Patriots.

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John Adams became president

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Mary Anning was born on May 21, 1799

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Q: What happened in 1779 during the revolutionary war?
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No, the Battle of Monmouth happened during the Revolutionary War, in New Jersey.

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