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For nearly an hour, the two ships jockeyed for position. At last, the guns from the Constitution roared into action. They tore holes in the side of the HMS Guerriere and shot off both masts. Stunned the British captain had no choice but to surrender

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Q: What happened in the battle between the USS Constitution and the HMS Guerriere?
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Early in the War of 1812 was the USConstitution was successful in battle against British warship Guerriere?

Yes, The USS Constitution defeated the HMS Guerriere, and it was during this battle that the USS Constitution earned the nickname of "Old Ironsides".

What did the USS Constitution do during the war of 1812?

It helped stop conflict among America and European Powers.

What is Old Ironsides?

Old Ironsides is the nickname of the American Frigate USS Constitution, the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat. She earned the name during the battle with the HMS Guerriere.

What was the war of 1812 best remembered for?

This battle is best remembered for dramatic battles at sea. In the waters of the Atlantic Ocean east of Canada, the American warship "Constitution" defeated the British warship Guerriere.

What of the war of 1812 best remembered?

This battle is best remembered for dramatic battles at sea. In the waters of the Atlantic Ocean east of Canada, the American warship "Constitution" defeated the British warship Guerriere.

Why were the battle between the Constitution and the Guerriere and the Battle of New Orleans similar?

They were both great morale victorys for the USA. Due to them both being crushing victorys over Britan in the War of 1812. They were both great morale victorys for the USA. Due to them both being crushing victorys over Britan in the War of 1812.

What was the USS Constitution called?

The ship, the USS Constitution, was nicknamed "Old Ironsides". It was given that name when, during battle against the British Frigate Guerriere, cannonballs seemed to be deflected off the sides of the USS Constitution. One of the crewmen on board the Constitution exclaimed: “Huzza, her sides are made of iron!â€

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The USS Constitution. It did not sink it but crippled and captured it

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