Under the Senate's rules, a bill has to receive a majority (meaning more than half) of the votes to pass. Therefore, if there is a tie and there is no Vice President to break the tie, the bill fails because is has not received a majority.
A previous answer asserted that the President Pro Tempore would break the tie--however, the President Pro Tem is a Senator and therefore would presumably have already voted.
The Vice President of the United States is also the President of the Senate. He is not a Senator and he can not vote unless there is a tie vote, in which case he can vote to break the tie if he wishes.
The President of the Senate (Vice President of the United States) is given that authority in the US Constitution.
AnswerIf there is a voting tie for the office of the Vice President, the Senate is empowered to choose the Vice President.
to break a tie in the senate
Vice president.
One responsibility the Vice President has is casting tie breaking votes in the Senate. The Vice President is also responsible for the nation if something happens to the President.
There is no such office as vice president of the Senate. The Vice President of the United States presides over the Senate and is thus often referred to as the President of the Senate. In that capacity, the Vice President presides over the Senate when it is in session. In that capacity, the Vice President's most notable role is to cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote on the floor of the Senate.
The Senate chooses the Vice President in the case of a tie.
the vote of the vice president will break a tie
The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate.. He can not vote unless there is a tie but he can vote to break a tie. Such is his only power.
The Vice President of the United States is also the President of the Senate. He is not a Senator and he can not vote unless there is a tie vote, in which case he can vote to break the tie if he wishes.
The first government of the United States was established under?
One responsibility the Vice President has is casting tie breaking votes in the Senate. The Vice President is also responsible for the nation if something happens to the President.
The President of the Senate (Vice President of the United States) is given that authority in the US Constitution.
AnswerIf there is a voting tie for the office of the Vice President, the Senate is empowered to choose the Vice President.
The person who votes in case of a tie in the Senate is the Vice President of the United States.
The President of the Senate (Vice President of the United States) is given that authority in the US Constitution. He may choose not to vote which would have the same effect as voting nay.