john Locke's contributions to Classical Republicanism, and Liberal Theory are reflected by the Founding Fathers in The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.
Locke's argument for Religious Tolerance, "Earthly judges, the state in particular, and human beings generally, cannot dependably evaluate the truth-claims of competing religious standpoints. Even if they could, enforcing a single "true religion" would not have the desired effect, because belief cannot be compelled by violence. Coercing religious uniformity would lead to more social disorder than allowing diversity." has directly influenced the Freedom of Religion clause of the First Amendment.
Locke's belief that ownership of property is created by the application of labor. In addition, he believed property precedes government and government cannot "dispose of the estates of the subjects arbitrarily." This influenced the Due Process, and Imminent Domain clause of the 5th amendment.
John Locke was a famous philosopher who set forth many ideas about human liberty. His ideas helped influence the American and French Revolution, making democracy the most desired form of government.
well he was naked and the british shot him
John Locke
John Locke was political philosopher and a proponent of natural law, and limited government. These two ideas that greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. Locke's ideas are reflected in both the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.
John Locke and/or Jean Jacques Rousseau
john Locke
John Locke's ideas of the rights to Life, Liberty, and Property formed the basis for the Declaration of Independence which affects all Americans today.
john Locke's
John Locke
John Locke my friend, john Locke
John Locke
Thomas Jefferson
Your mom. XDDD
John Locke
John Locke
John Locke was a prominent philosopher who espoused the ideas of the Social Contract, as well as popular sovereignty. The founding fathers included both of these ideas within the American Constitution.
John Locke