it united the colonies into 1 and they gained respect from the other countries also showed the other countries how powerful they were.
There were no wars happening within the Revolutionary War. The only actual war that was going on at this exact time and place was the Revolutionary War.
it was violent
Revolutionary If you are talking about the Revolutionary War, then the answer would be the British. (Redcoats, Brits, English, United Kingdomites)
This is a paper for Social Studies about the Revolutionary War
the Americans
they got more freedom
we wanted freedom so we started the revolutionary war to get that. Wow everybody knows that answer. Whoever asked this is stupid
it didn't
Ethan Allen is a person who was in the revolutionary war and made an impact.
It declared our independence from England and started the Revolutionary War.
she made the first united states flag during the revolutionary war.
It made colonists proud and unified them in their determination.
th F & I war was pre-Revolutionary. No impact whatsoever. we gained it after th Rev. War.