Georgia has a state gem or stone: quartz, and a state mineral: Staurolite. Wikipedia doesn't list a state rock as of January 2016.
Theia is the Greek gem goddess. She was the goddess of sight and the shining light of the clear, blue sky. She endowed gems, gold, and silver, with their brilliance and value.
cause their a shiny city
California's population jumped high in numbers due to a flow of settlers coming hoping to make their fortune by finding gold in said gold rush.
Every state has a varied economy with both commerce and agriculture. It also has a state constitution, a state capital, a statehouse, a state flag, a state bird, a state flower, a governor, a state legislature, a state supreme court, two US senators , at least one Congressman , some state colleges and probably a state song.
this is for a school state project what is californias year of c enus?
The Golden State
The Golden State ?
The state motto of California is "I have found it"
What is the meaning of california?
Football is California's state sport.
Idaho is called the Gem State.
The state motto is Eureka which is Greek for "I Have Found It"
The state gem of Colorado is aquamarine, which is a blue to green-blue variety of beryl. It was designated as the state gem in 1971.
Massachusetts has no state gem.
Idaho's official nickname is the "Gem State".
it means