Charles is a common name. It is considered a strong and is French as well as it is German for Karl.
Who was Charles Finney?
He had two children: Mary and Charles (II)
the british leader of the charles town battle
Charles Townshend suggested the use of crop rotation.
Charles Rice Ames House was created in 1843.
Charles the 1st was Charles 2nd's father.
they all called Charles
Charles Darwin's name was Charles Robert Darwin.
The French spelling of Charles is "Charles."
A Charles is someone using a hacked version of OMGPOP that was hacked by a man named Charles. This Charles is not the founder but a different Charles.
There was no Charles 1 that ever ruled the Holy Roman Empire. There was a Charles the Great, King of the Franks, Charles the Bald, Charles the Fat, Charles IV of Luxembourg and Charles V that had the title but never a Charles 1.
Charles I or Charles II?
Charles Mauu's birth name is Charles Teriitahi.
charles the Hammer's real name is Charles Martel.
Charles Lindbergh's son's name was Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr.
Charles John Huffam Dickens Nickname-Boz He used his nickname in the early of his writing career.