Martha dandridge custis Washington
Martha dandridge custis Washington
martha washingtons first husband was mr.custus and he died for no reason he just had died of an old age
Martha Washington was born on June 2 1731 and she died on may 22 1802.
According to historians, Martha's full name is Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. Historians indicate the popularity of passing surnames to children in the 18th century to account for familial lineage.
His wife's name was Martha Dandridge Custis Washington. Martha was a wealthy attractive young widow with 2 small children, 1 daughter, Patsy, and 1 son, Jack, who George raised with Martha.
President Washington had no children of his own, but he had a stepson John Parke Custis and stepdaughter Martha Parke Custis, who were Martha Washington's surviving children from her first marriage.
Martha dandridge custis
Martha Dandridge Custis.
Martha Washington
Martha Parke Custis or her maiden name was Martha Dandridge.
martha washingtons first husband was mr.custus and he died for no reason he just had died of an old age
Martha Washingtons nickname was Pasty
According to carter, smith, and Allen weinstein. Smithsonian Presidents every question answered. revised. New York, NY: Hylas Publishing, 2004. Her full name was Martha Custis Washington. She was born Martha Dandridge and Custis was her first husband.
George Washington.
Their names where pussies that's right all have the same name
Martha Graham.
dark brown