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A suggested system!

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Chadd Pagac

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3y ago
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Q: What is Proposed system?
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What is the meaning of proposed system?

your comments or ideas over the existing system is proposed system

What is the meaning of existing system and proposed system?

Existing System- which is already present in the market . Proposed System- u will apply ur ideas or u do slight modification to the Existing System is called as proposed system.

Was Copernican in the heliocentric or geocentric system?

The proposed the heliocentric system.

Who proposed the system of checks and balanced that was included in the US constitution?

James Madison proposed the system of checks and balances included in the U.S. Constitution.

Who proposed the system of checks and balance that was included in the us constitution?

James Madison proposed the system of checks and balances included in the U.S. Constitution.

What is existing system and proposed system?

The existing system refers to the current setup or process in place before any changes or improvements are made. It serves as the baseline for comparison with the proposed system. The proposed system, on the other hand, outlines the new solution or approach that is suggested to replace or enhance the existing system, often addressing identified shortcomings or aiming for better efficiency, effectiveness, or functionality. The proposed system is typically developed through analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation stages to ensure it meets the desired objectives and requirements.

Proposed a system of Fourteen Points?

Woodrow Wilson

Who proposed phylogenetic system of classification?

Engler and Prantl

Who proposed the Cartesian coordinate system?

Rene Descartes

Significance of the thesis library system?

The significance of the study is being proposed for the librarian and school itself which the proposed system will be applied. The library system will contribute a great part in terms of monitoring of all books.

Did Galileo proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system?

No, Nicolaus Copernicus proposed it 21 years before Galileo was born.

Who proposed the microscopic solar system?

it was proposed by edward Édouard Roche it's not so real .... no supporting evidence is there for this hypothesis