The state flower of Nebraska is the goldenrod. It is a yellowish gold, puffy looking flower. The goldenrod was declared the state flower in 1895.
Montana.Montana's flowerBitterroot is the state flower of Montana.
The Wisconsin state flower is the Wood Violet.
yes, it is the dogwood
whats Vermont's climate. the answer is continual moist
Peppy Duncan
Vermont does not have an official state dance.
Vermont is located in the New England region of the United States.
Vermont is known as the "Green Mountain State."
Vermont's state animal is the Morgan Horse, because Justin Morgan lived in Vermont for several years. His horse, Figure, was nicknamed the 'Justin Morgan horse,' and had lots of offspring with mares. Eventually, Morgan horses were considered their own breed. The state tree is the sugar maple because of all the maple syrup grown in Vermont. The state insect is the honeybee because a lot of honey and beeswax candles are produced in Vermont. Some other state symbols are the state flower, the Red Clover, the state bird, the hermit Thrush, and the state amphibian, the Northern Leopard Frog.
In 1949, the sugar maple was determined to be the state tree of Vermont. The sugar maple is also known as the rock or hard maple.
Alaska's state flower is the Forget-me-not flower.
Alabama's state flower is the Camellia
The purple passion flower is the state's wildflower and the iris is the state's cultivated flower.
Arizona uses the Saguaro cactus flower as the state's flower .