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Something that covers a continent. eg a Continental railway system.

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Q: What is a Continental System?
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What was restricted by the Continental System?

Trade was restricted by the Continental System.

What was restrict by continental system?

Trade was restricted by the Continental System.

Napoleon's blockade of British ports was called the .?

It was a part of the Continental System.

Who was the Continental System designed to hurt?

The Continental System was designed to hurt Great Britain and the British Empire.

Who was the Continental System was designed to?

The Continental System was designed to hurt Great Britain and the British Empire.

What was Napoleon's policy called for using a blockade against Great Britain?

The Continental System.

What was it called when Napoleon barred all countries under control of France to trade with England?

That system is called "The Continental System" or "The Continental Blockade". The French noun is "le blocus continental".

The continental system called for this action against british ports what was this called?

The Continental System called for an embargo against British trade.

What was Napoleon's Continental System?

The continental system was when Napoleon stopped the trade from European ports to Britain. It was created to damage the economy of the UK.

What do you mean the continental police system?

Continental Policing System is pertaining to traditional policing system,while Modern policing system is pertaining to COPS and problem solving policing system.

What important system did Napoleon implement in order to weaken the British economy?

He developed warfare against the British maritime trade, increasing licenses for the activity of privateer and embittered the regulations of thee Continental Blockade.

Who was the continental designed to hurt?

The Continental System was designed to hurt Great Britain and the British Empire.