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That would be the 2nd Continental Congress!!

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2nd Continental Congress

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Q: Which Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence?
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What are facts about Phillips Livingston?

He signed the Declaration of Independence and represented new york in the continental congress

Who approved and signed the declaration of independence?

The Second Continental congress

What part of the government was the declaration of independence signed?

second continental congress

When was the Declaration of Independence signed by continental congress?

July 4, 1776

Who published the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was not really published, but it was signed. If you take it that way, the Continental Congress published it.

Which was an achivement of the second continental congress?

The Declaration of Independence was written and signed. (1776)

When the Declaration of Independence was signed who was the president?

No one. The United States was not a country yet. However, John Hancock was President of the Continental Congress when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What did John Hancock do in the American revolution?

He signed the Declaration of Independence and was president of the continental congress.

What crime did the delegates of the second continental congress commit when they signed the declaration of independence?


Who signed the dacleration of independence?

The United States Declaration of Independence was signed by fifty-six delegates to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

Who signed the Declaration of Independenc?

The Declaration of Independence was signed by 56 men who gathered for the Second Continental Congress. John Hancock was the president of the Congress.

Which state did the declaration of independence happen?

It was drafted and signed in Philadelphia, PA during the Continental Congress.