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A Centrist is someone who sits in the centre of the political spectrum. Imagine a line - on the far right you have Nazism and Fascism, less to the right are Conservatives in the UK or Republicans in the US, slightly to the left are Labour or Democrat parties, further left are Socialists, and on the far-left you have Communists. In between the fairly non-extreme left and right parties, you have centrists. They are usually capitalists who believe in some economic regulations, and fairly socially liberal.

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A Centrists is a person who takes a position in the political center.

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Continue Learning about American Government

Why do American political parties take middle road issues?

Because they want to appeal to the largest number of voters possible, which includes both moderate Republicans and Democrats as well as Independents. Being a centrist helps national political candidates -- like Senators and presidential candidates -- get re-elected.

What is a blue blood Democrat?

A blue blood or blue dog Democrat is one who is fiscally conservative. Currently, they number thirty and tend to vote together as a block. Their goal is to bring the party back to a centrist position from left. They tend to relate well to moderate Republicans.

What is political middle?

The political middle is usually called the centre (the idea of it being centrism, a person following it being [a] centrist), and is neither liberal nor conservative, but simply moderate in outlook.

What political party does Sotomayor belong to?

AnswerSonia Sotomayor is registered as an Independent, and is considered a centrist by the American Bar Association, based on their analysis of her case rulings. Her opinions tend to focus more on strict legal analysis than on personal or ideological philosophy.Sotomayor is known for being well prepared and knowledgeable about cases tried in, or reviewed by, her court. Her background as a social activist has not undermined her ability to make balanced decisions, nor has it shown bias toward any group or cause. For example, the ABA noted that she rejected 45 of the 50 racial discrimination cases they studied in forming their conclusion.Although some ultra-conservative figures, like Rush Limbaugh, characterize her as being both extremely liberal and racist, this accusation is not borne by the evidence.Sotomayor's judicial career began in 1992, when George H. W. Bush nominated her to the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, with the enthusiastic backing of both New York Republican and Democratic Senators.Bill Clinton nominated Sotomayor to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 1997. Her nomination was held in the Senate for a year because some Republicans were afraid she was being put on a fast-track to the US Supreme Court. She was finally confirmed by a Senate vote of 67-29 (which included approval from 25 Republicans) in 1998.On May 26, 2009, President Obama nominated Sotomayor to fill the Supreme Court seat being vacated by the now-retired Justice David Souter. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to begin hearings on her appointment on July 13, 2009.On August 6, 2009, the US Senate confirmed Sotomayor's nomination by a vote of 68-31, making her the 111th US Supreme Court Justice. Although the vote was split along party lines, the unanimous Democratic endorsement was joined by nine Republicans and both Senate Independents.AnswerIn theory she is not supposed to reveal her party affiliation. She was nominated under a Democratic administration and has liberal leanings.

How many Republicans and Democrats are on the US Supreme Court?

Supreme Court justices aren't classified by political party, but by ideology (variations on conservatism, centrism, and liberalism).Presidents try to nominate justices whom they believe will represent their views and extend their power and influence beyond their term(s) of office. George W. Bush nominated Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, both right-oriented men who help form the conservative bloc of the Supreme Court developed during the Reagan-Bush era.It's not necessarily possible to infer a Supreme Court justice's ideology according to the nominating President's political party, however. Justice Souter, who retired in June 2009, was socially progressive, despite being nominated by President George HW Bush. Justice Stevens is also liberal, although he was nominated by President Gerald Ford, a moderate Republican.The United States' newest Supreme Court justice, Sonia Sotomayor, was nominated by Democratic President Barack Obama, but considers herself an independent (the American Bar Association indicates her record of jurisprudence tends toward centrism).Perhaps most extreme modern examples of ideological mismatch occurred between President Eisenhower, a conservative, and his choice of Chief Justice, Earl Warren, a progressive who was instrumental in advancing civil rights and individual liberties. In fact, of Eisenhower's five Supreme Court appointments, three (Earl Warren, William Brennan, and Potter Stewart) were consistently liberal; one (Charles Evans Whittaker) was a centrist; and one (John Marshall Harlan II) was an intellectual conservative who supported desegregation.Eisenhower's appointments had the unintended effect of tipping the Supreme Court from conservative to liberal, and may be the reason the Senate Judiciary Committee began screening nominees more thoroughly (Harlan wasn't the first candidate to endure a Senate Judiciary hearing, but his confirmation marked an era of increased Senate scrutiny).For more information about the current Supreme Court justices' ideological patterns, see Related Questions, below.

Related questions

Is an centrist a noun?

A person who holds moderate political views, centrist is a noun. Having moderate political views or policies, centrist is an adjective

When was Centrist Alliance created?

Centrist Alliance was created on 2009-06-27.

When was Christian Centrist Party created?

Christian Centrist Party was created in 1991.

Is centrist A noun verb adjective?

The word 'centrist' is a noun and an adjective.The noun 'centrist' is a word for someone who holds moderate political views; a word for a person.The adjective 'centrist' is a word that describes a noun as having moderate political views or policies.

When was Progressive Union of the Centrist Center created?

Progressive Union of the Centrist Center was created in 1989.

Who are the US Centrist Party?

The US Centrist Party is a party that is devoted to balancing the economy, creating a strong foundation for Americans, and creating policies that have considerations for all levels of the government. You can find more information about them at the official US Centrist website.

What are some of Barack Obama's centrist views?

none obama is not a centrist he is very left wing, what most people would consider a liberal

How do use the word Centrist?

The deep pool of centrist opinion in the country, that essential guarantee against violent political upheavals, is being dangerously shaken

What group is in the center in its views?

Moderates have a centrist viewpoint.

What group is in the center in its view?

Moderates have a centrist viewpoint.

Can you PLEASE use the word 'centrist' in a sentence?

The deep pool of centrist opinion in the country, that essential guarantee against violent political upheavals, is being dangerously shaken.

What group is in the center in it's views?

Moderates have a centrist viewpoint.