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Q: What is a government that is not responsible to people and cannot be limited by them?
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Why does limited government matter?

Limited government matters because it forces the people within the government to be responsible for their actions. Unlimited government allows those same people to work only for themselves if they prefer.‎

Is Georgia limited or and unlimited government?

limited. The people of Greece invented democracy

What is the difference between responsible government and representative government?

The difference between responsible government and representative government is that responsible government is a government subject to the votes of the people and the representative government is a government made up of officials elected to office by the people.

Analyze how limited government republicanism and popular sovereignty are important parts of the constitution?

Popular sovereignty is the concept that people rule. Limited government is when government has limited power. Republicanism- im still trying to find that one sorry. =(

Limited government be found in the constitution?

The term "limited government" may not be found in the Constitution, but the concept of limited government is established in the Constitution by means of the definitions of the powers of the branches of the Government. Each branch has specified responsibilities and powers, and may not exceed those responsibilities and powers under the terms of the Constitution. In other words, the Constitution says what the Government should do, and that's all it can do. That's limited government. The Preamble of the Constitution explicitly gives the power of our government to "We the People". The fifth article gives "We the People" the right to amend the Constitution,ergo the government is not limited except by the will of the majority governed.The term "limited government"is illogical and not implied.

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A government that is not responsible to the people and cannot be limited by them is?


Why does limited government matter?

Limited government matters because it forces the people within the government to be responsible for their actions. Unlimited government allows those same people to work only for themselves if they prefer.‎

In a dictatorship those who rule are responsible to?

Those who rule in Dictatorship cannot he held responsible to the will of the people. The government is not accountable for the policies, nor for how they are carried out.

Rights that cannot be taken away are known as?

The idea that the government does not have complete power; there are certain rights the government cannot take away from the people is called LIMITED GOVERNMNET.Tcarver6 Answered!!!

Is Spain Limited or unlimited?

Spain is a limited government. A limited type of government is one that has provisions for people to have a voice in the laws which are created.

What countries have a limited government?

a limited government is a government that allows people to have freedom and lets them vote in elections

How are limited and unlimited governments different?

Limited GovernmentIn the United States, the powers of government are limited. A limited government is a constitutional government. A limited government makes sure that leaders of government do not misuse the powers they have been given. It insists that all people, including people in authority such as the president and members of the congress, obey the laws. A limited government has effective controls over the power of people in authority and protects the rights of individuals.Unlimited GovernmentAn unlimited government includes authoritarian and totalitarian governments. Under authoritarian systems, all power is concentrated in one person or a small group. People who live under an authoritarian system do not have an effective way to restrain the power of the rulers. Totalitarian governments regulate every part of the lives of individuals.An unlimited government is a non-constitutional government. An unlimited government does not have effective controls over the power of its rulers. The people in authority cannot be easily removed from office by peaceful and legal means.

Why was limited government desired by the people of England?

The people of England wanted a limited government because they wanted rules to protect there society.

What are limited governments and unlimited governments?

Limited government is when the people have some sort of say in the laws created. A limited government is controlled by many people. The U.S. government has a limited government. An UNlimited government is a government ruled by one person or a small group. Often times these rulers are unfair and create unfair laws. The people don't have a say in anything.

How does limited government work?

The government can only do as much as the people allow them to do

Does Greece have limited or unlimited government?

limited. The people of Greece invented democracy

What is the type of government ruled by people or those they elect?

It is known as a limited government.