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Q: What is a nation dependent on a stronger power?
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What is a country controlled by a stronger power?

A country controlled by a stronger power is known as a protectorate or dependent territory. In this situation, the more powerful nation has significant influence over the policies and affairs of the smaller country.

What is it called when 1 nation controls a weaker nation?

This is called imperialism. Imperialism occurs when a stronger nation extends its power and influence over a weaker nation, often taking control of its political, economic, and social aspects.

A stronger nation's colonization of a weaker nation is called?


Why did the US need island possessions in 1900?

The strategic thinkers were already determined that the future security of the Nation would be dependent on sea power.

Was Cuba a colony or indepdent nation?

it's a dependent

What is a nation called when it is stronger than another powerful nation?

Generally, a superpower

Is Vietnam stronger than your country?

Vietnam was one tough nation from the end of the Vietnam War until their combat experienced men began retiring out...the same as with any nation. So, whenever the last of their combat experienced men left, that was the beginning of their decline in power (again, the same as with any nation). Therefore, in the 21st century; no, Vietnam is not stronger.

Is hundoras independent or dependent?

Honduras is an independent nation.

How did the federalists respond to the anti-federalists?

The power was limited to tasks that faced the entire nation, such as trade, currency, and defense. Experience has shown that a stronger national government is needed to deal with these problems.

In what ways did the new system of government fulfil the nation's need for a stronger central government and the same time allay its fear of a government having too much power?

wonk t'nod I

How did the federalists respond to the Anti federalists?

The power was limited to tasks that faced the entire nation, such as trade, currency, and defense. Experience has shown that a stronger national government is needed to deal with these problems.

Which nation Austria or prussia became stronger by the mid 1700?
