

What is a primary document?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is a primary document?
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There are a number of ways a primary document such as the US Constitution can work. This primary document works as the guide for how to run the country.

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When you ask questions about the motive behind a primary document you're wondering?

When you ask questions about the motive behind a primary document, you're wondering why the document was created.

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Primary - as it is a document produced at the time. It is not some later report.

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The time, place, and circumstances in which the document was created.

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The Primary National Strategy is a document launched in the UK in May 2003. It was made by Charles Clarke, the Secretary of State for Education. This document lists strategic education reforms.

When you wonder about the motive behind a primary document youre trying to determine the motive of?

B.why the document was created.

What is an original document that has not been interpreted by another writer?

Primary source