There are a number of ways a primary document such as the US Constitution can work. This primary document works as the guide for how to run the country.
Political parties choose candidates by means of a primary election. If your cheating on history home work the answer is "direct primary".
The primary author of The Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. He did have other influences on this document, but his work is mostly what affects us today as American citizens.
Answer this question… It allows readers to evaluate a source for themselves.
closed primary
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primary teachers work in elementary schools
people what work proportion? industries primary in of finland
59% work in tertiary jobs, 7% in primary and 34% in secondary
why do most of edgar deags paintings have work as their primary theme'
why do most of edgar deags paintings have work as their primary theme'
why do most of edgar deags paintings have work as their primary theme'
Andy Warhol's primary work of art was POP ART
Primary 6% Secondary 30% Tertiary 64% GDP 111%
I Like pOO.
One of the three different types of work done in primary production is "farming".
The proportion of people work in primary industries in south korea are 47%. The rest work in service industries, so 63% work in service industries
Roughly 20% of the country is employed in primary industries.