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Pure democracy is hard to achieve. It is nearly impossible for all citizens to have an equal say in their government. However, countries like the United States try to make democracy work in a lot of ways, including voting, lobbying, and the concept of congressional representation.

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14y ago

Examples of representative democracy include allcontemporary constitutional democracies, at the national level. In the U.S.A., the fifty states and most local governments, as well as the national government, are representative democracies.

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13y ago

The people hold power through representatives.

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9y ago

Voting in a committee, campaigning in different states, making campaign promises to appeal to under-served minorities, etc.

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11y ago

Two wolves and a tender, young sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

That is why a true democracy cannot work but a representative democracy does.

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16y ago

election of persons in charge

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15y ago

United States government

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The people hold power through representatives.

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What is an example of democratic leadership?

There are a number of things that could be examples of democratic leadership. Holding elections is an example of democratic leadership.

What is an example of majority?

One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

What is an example of majority rule?

One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

Is democratic proper noun?

No, the word 'democratic' is NOT a noun.The word 'democratic' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as of or relating to a political, social, or economic system of government.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, the Democratic Party (US), the New Democratic Party (Canada), or The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Is democratic a proper noun?

No, the word 'democratic' is NOT a noun.The word 'democratic' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as of or relating to a political, social, or economic system of government.A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, the Democratic Party (US), the New Democratic Party (Canada), or The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Is the democratic system a mechanical system?

No, it is a political system.

What is the best mixed economic system is it liberal socialistic or democratic economic system?

democratic is the best ever

Is India's government democratic?

India has a democratic system of government. It is the largest democratic country in the world.

A democratic political system is an essential for sustained economic progress?

yes a good democratic system of govt can sustain economic progress yes a good democratic system of govt can sustain economic progress

What most democratic countries have which type of economic system?

Most democratic nations run under the capitalist system. However, many capitalist countries are not democratic.

What type of system is the US political system?
