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confederation is smaller political units keep their power and give the central government limited power.

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Q: What is an example of confederation?
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What are the examples for articles of confederation?

what is an example of the articles of confederation?

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What is example of confederation?

a loose alliance between states

The federal government could not collect money from the states What was this an example of?

the weakness of the Articles of Confederation

What countries are a confederation?

Switzerland is an example of a country that has a confederation system of government, with power shared between the central government and its cantonal governments.

Example of confederation?

A loose alliance between states. A confederation is a small political unit to keep their power and to give central government limited power.

Which form of government do sovereign states have more power than the central government?

In a confederation the sovereign states have more power than the central government. Switzerland is an example of a confederation.

Whats an example of confederation?

An example of a confederation is the European Union (EU), where member countries work together on certain issues like trade and security while retaining their own independence in other areas.

A loose collection of states in which the principal power lies at the individual state level is know as what?

This loose collection of states is known as a confederation. In a confederation, member states retain sovereignty and delegate limited powers to a central authority for common interests. An example of a confederation is the European Union before the Treaty of Lisbon.

What is an example of a political confederacy?

Confederacy- confederate states of America formed by 11 southern states that seceded from the union.

The political arrangement under the articles of confederation is a good example of a unitary political system true or false?


Under what document were the American colonies loosely bound during the revolutionary war?

"Articles of Confederation" OR "confederation" or "the Articles of Confederation"