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Q: What is an organized program of selected information used to spread a belief to a group of people?
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What is an organized program of selected infomation used to spread a belief to a group of people?


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Colonial American society was organized according to a belief in?


Why have people developed organized society and cultures?

to belief and to improve knowledges..

What is it called when you hate organised religions but believe in one god?

This belief can be described as "deism," which is the belief in the existence of a higher power or god but without adhering to any specific organized religion.

When is a belief or practice said to be selected to science and technology?

When your belief or practice contributes and opens new unknown doorways to the closely related science and technology.

Which group was known for its belief that a direct experience of God was available to all people and that organized church services were unnecessary?

This was a belief of the early Gnostic Christians.

Who is in charge of you?

I am a program created by a team of developers at OpenAI.

Is there a religion that holds the belief that you are your own god or are the master of your own destiny?

There are many people who may informally have this belief. An organized religion that might be said to hold this belief is the Church of Satan. Their official website states, "We satanists are our own gods".

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What information that supports a thought or belief?
