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Taxes, taxes and more taxes

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Federal revenue is money collected by the federal government from the taxpayers. It's then used to run the federal government and its programs.

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The federal government's biggest single source of revenue is from?

Individual income tax is the federal governments biggest source of revenue. It has been the biggest source of revenue since 1950.

What produces the largest amount of federal revenue in the US?

The tax on individuals' incomes regularly produces the largest amount of federal revenue.

Who is the executive officer of Federal Inland Revenue Service in Nigeria?

Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui Okauru is the CEO of Federal Inland Revenue Service, Nigeria.

Is tobacco a source of revenue?

In the US, tobacco products (particularly cigarettes) are taxed at both the state and federal level. These taxes are not a significant part of the federal revenue, but some states depend on the revenue from cigarette taxes.

Largest source of revenue for the federal government?

The largest source of revenue for the federal government has been individual income taxes and payroll taxes. These taxes account for 82% of all federal government income.

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What happens if tax revenue of the federal government exceeds spending?

There is a federal budget deficit.

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What are the federal government's main sources of revenue?


What is the total amount of federal revenue 150 billion or 15 billion or 1 trillion?

Of those three choices, the annual federal revenue is closest to $1 trillion.

What is the largest portion of the federal revenue?

The largest portion of the federal revenue comes from individual income taxes. In 2008, individual income taxes made up 45 percent of the federal revenue. In 2008, individual income taxes totalled $2.5 trillion. For more information, go to the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center website,, to view 'The Numbers: What are the federal government's sources of revenue?'

What tariffs were designed to provide income for the federal government?
