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Animals' gender is no different than a humans'. Animals can be male and female, just like we are.

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Q: What is gender of animals?
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Related questions

What is the noun gender of animals?

The noun 'animals' is a common gender noun, a word for males or females.

What gender should be used for animals?

There are male and female animals. You use whichever one corresponds to the gender of the animal(s).

On Animals crossings can you change your gender?

No. But in ACCF you can get a haircut of an opposite gender if you talk to hairiette alot

How do animals interacts with other animals?

There are many different ways depending on the types of animals, their moods, and what gender they are

What is the opposite gender of cub?

Cub is used for both male and female young animals. Gender isn't seen as particularly important when animals are real small.

You give a lot animals gender as buck and doe?


Is dill a boy or girl?

Dill is a type of herb and does not have a gender as plants do not have gender in the same way animals do.

What gender do animals get spayde?

Females are spayed, males are neutered

What are examples of animals masculine noun?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.Examples of gender specific nouns for male animals are:boarbuckbullcobdrakedronejackreynardsteerstudramroostersirestagstallion

What is a common gender and example of common gender?

Common gender nouns are words for people or animals that can be either male or female. Examples of common gender nouns are:acrobatanthropologistarcherartistbabybarberbartenderbeauticianbutchercattlecharacterchildclowncriminalcustomerdeandeerdentistdesignerdoctoreditoreducatorengineerequestrianEuropeanfanfarmerfloristfriendfroghairdresserherohorsehumanice skaterichthyologisticonidiotjournalistjudgejugglerjurorkangarookleptomaniacknow-it-allkoalaleaderlecturerlife guardloan officerlovermerchantminerminormissionarymonkeymovie starnarcissistneighbornewtnightingaleofficeroffspringorioleorangutanostrichparentpartnerpersonpharmacistphysicianpilotquailrancherresearcherriderrulersecretarysenatorsiblingswanteachertellertherapisttouristtruck driverundertakervictorvillainvirtuosovisitorwalrusworkerwrenwriteryodeleryoungsterzealotzebrazoologist

Are Cow and Chicken gay?

As for me>>>> i think there are 2 gender in the animals and human....animals are not human beings that have intellect on will.therefore they were not gay...//////

What effects of human behavior on plants and animals?

How does gender affect animal behaviour